You know 1 banana how many calories and nutrients a banana brings to our health is very important.

Bananas provide a lot of energy for the body which can help to gain weight 1 successfully but also some of the foods are also very good at losing weight.

Japanese people often use banana weight loss methods to improve the body of children and adults.

However, consumption should be reasonable and, appropriately, you have many questions, "eating bananas without fat" for weight loss or weight gain.

This all depends on how you eat and what you eat when you are offline. Consistently refer to a better understanding of the above questions.

Now Belly Fat Zone dot com invites you to watch this video together!

1. How many calories in a banana?

If you want to know if you do not eat fatty bananas then you need to get calories in a banana.

Calorie diet is very important for people to lose weight and gain weight.

According to research, the average banana is 1 100g, and then it weighs 88 calories (kcal).

But 90% of this figure is caused by the amount of carbohydrates. Most carbohydrates are not ripe bananas with sugar, sucrose, glucose, and fructose.

Bananas also contain low levels of fat and protein.

Plant extracts are beneficial for bananas as antioxidants, which include dopamine and catechin. And they are very good for life.

Calories in bananas may vary depending on the size of the banana there.

Below will tell you exactly how many calories 1 banana has in different varieties of bananas:

1 small banana size (less than 15 cm and 81 grams) contains 72 calories.

1 small banana (15-18 cm, 101 grams): 90 calories.

1 banana size (18-20 cm. 118 grams): 105 calories.

1 large banana (20-23 cm, 136 grams): 121 calories.

1 banana size (over 23 cm, 152 grams): 135 calories.

Bananas sliced ​​(1 cup, 150 grams): 134 calories.

Peeled bananas (1 cup, 225 grams): 200 calories.

Ingredients for 1 banana.

The nutrient composition of 1 banana is calculated as follows:

Potassium: 12% RDI (Recommended Diet - Recommended use is daily nutrition).

Vitamin B6: 20% RDI.

Vitamin C: 17% of RDI.

Magnesium: 8% of RDI.

Copper: 5% RDI.

Manga: 15% of RDI.

Fiber: 3.1 grams.

In banana contains 75% water, this is something many people are surprised. Add another reason why sports athletes often use this fruit. If you set up a Gym then this is a very good food for a bit.

These are the reasons why you can lose weight completely with a banana

1. Green and starchy banana starch.

Green Bananas contain starchy starch and act as a soluble fiber in the body. So it has brought many health benefits, including weight loss and blood sugar.

Starch is resistant and reduces food absorption, which helps you feel full longer. So eat fewer calories and keep your weight down or eat less to lose weight.

2. Bananas have low blood sugar (GI).

GI (Glycemic Index) indicates the ability to increase blood sugar in the diet. If the diet has a low target of 55, it is considered low GI. From 56-69 is considered to be moderate and over 70 with a high glycemic index.

GI banana is only 42-62 and depending on ripeness. The ripe banana is a high GI banana. But basically, the release of the banana is slow and thus beneficial.